Monday, May 26, 2008

Soli Deo Gloria

So, I've been using this blog sporadically for promo and whatnot. But I've been musing on the idea of using this for more than just book stuff. I'm always brewing with deep thoughts about life, faith, family and just about anything else. It makes sense to write them down, and maybe someone will benefit. Here's hoping someone reads this! So keep an eye out and I'll try to write something every day about something that might apply to life or might be a little entertaining and hopefully deep.

The most important thing as far as I'm concerned is to dedicate this blog, like everything else in my life, to God. It is for His purposes -- as Bach used to sign his work "Soli Deo Gloria" -- To God alone be the glory. So, Father, use this avenue for your glory. Use my hands, my thoughts, and my words to speak to the hearts of people everywhere. Amen.

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