Tuesday, June 24, 2008


I wrote this poem based on 2 Corinthians 4:7 -- which talks about how God takes us, flawed and poor as we are like pottery jars, and fills us with the treasure of his glory. That way, people know that the glory comes from God, not from us. So when you feel like you have to hide your flaws or look perfect to the world, remember that God doesn't mean for us to have it all together. He wants us to be real and authentic, so that His work in our lives is visible to others.


Frail, the sun dried clay of earthly things
For by God's word all flesh is like to grass
Like rainbow fading, dying, soon to pass
A vassal's flesh corrupts the same as kings'

But this poor, humble jar of pottery
Though it be cracked and broken, mean and low
For some odd reason God chose to bestow
A prize within for all the world to see

The vessel filled with treasure deep inside
Would be suffused with such unearthly glow
That those around could never help but know
And knowing, say "May God be glorified!"

And I, the vessel, let my flaws proclaim
Indwelling glory of God's holy name

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