Friday, June 20, 2008

Walking through the valley

How did we ever get the idea life was supposed to be easy all the time? And yet, I always find myself whining when things get tough, or inconvenient, or just plain boring. Who said every day is going to be a mountaintop experience? There are days when we have to go down and walk through the valleys of life.

When I read C. S. Lewis' work The Screwtape Letters, I took away (among many things) the idea of the "Law of Undulation". Basically, in life we go through ups and downs. When we're up, we think we'll always be up and that we did it ourselves. When we're down, we think we'll never get out of this slump, and that nothing can help us.

We need to get used to this wave-like motion of life. There will be ups and there will be downs. The constant in all of this is God. If we're having a good time, remember to give Him the glory. If we're having a bad time, reach out to Him and trust that He will guide us through.

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