Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Where did you come from?

As a writer, I often get asked about my books and stories -- "where did that come from?" It's a question I've pondered many a time. Characters are an interesting phenomenon that I'm not sure anyone understands.

To a certain point, they do come from the author's imagination and experiences. I often start with a drawing of a character and build a story around that one image. But there is something about characters that is external to the author, always some element the writer can't control. It may sound bizzare to say, but my characters are constantly doing and saying things I never expected of them. Yes, it's true! The words come out and I think "I wouldn't have thought of that, but it's exactly what X would have done!" Characters take on a life of their own, and everything they do and say is a function of that complex personality. I find the more I fight against the inevitable actions of a particular character, the less inspired my writing becomes.

And that opens up the question of inspiration. Does writing come from another source, outside the author? It's a common enough idea -- think of the Muses of ancient Greece. As a Christian I believe in inspiration implicitly. I know that God breathes His ideas into me on a daily basis.

So what do I say when people ask "Where does this come from?" -- not from me, that's for sure!

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